Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski

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Wordnet angielsko-polski

1. (the state or fact of existing
"a point of view gradually coming into being"
"laws in existence for centuries"
"he appeared on the face of the earth one day")
egzystencja, egzystowanie, życie, doczesność
synonim: being
synonim: beingness
synonim: existence

2. (the state or fact of existing
"a point of view gradually coming into being"
"laws in existence for centuries"
"he appeared on the face of the earth one day")
bycie: : synonim: being
synonim: beingness
synonim: existence

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

przen. oblicze ziemi